The DeTurks
Friday, December 28, 2012
Update on Cori...
The DeTurks
Peace of Mind and Healing
Pain Relief
Love in Jesus,
Audrey Ohanesian
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Healing and Comfort
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Protection and Safety
Friday, December 21, 2012
Praise and Thanksgiving
Love in Jesus,
Audrey Ohanesian
Celebration and Healing
Our Sister in Christ, Louise Woodard will be celebrating her 95th birthday on January 5. They are having a little celebration in Sutter Creek on the 5th of January....Her daughter asked for her friends to send her a birthday greeting.
Louise Woodard
Gold Quartz Inn
15 Bryson Dr.
Sutter Creek, CA 95685
Prayers of healing for Ellen Hackerd's mother, Cathy - she has pneumonia.
Healing and Comfort
therapy has her up walking, Hopefully after a few weeks of PT, she will be able
to return home. Prayers for healing to continue with no complications.
Maren Giannini
Please pray for Tina, a lady with a severely broken leg, who is also facing possible diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Pray also for her 2 teenagers and husband who are also struggling with fear about her situation.
Please pray for a friend, Myrna Weide, whose husband died about 10 days ago. He was a high school friend of Howard's.
Howard and Darlene Goldhammer
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Praise and Thanksgiving
Our Godchild Becki Saldate-Banke gave birth to a healthy baby girl weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces, 20 inches long at 12:22pm yesterday, Dec. 17th! Continued Prayer for Becki's healing as she had Autum Claire Banke by C-section.
Marlene and Dave
Monday, December 17, 2012
Comfort and Joy
Thank GOD our son Frank is home from Afghanistan safe and sound standing in our house here on Bockman Road. Please continue to pray for others that are still there and in harm's way. With God's love Frank and Maria Mitchell
Have a Happy and Joyous Christmas
Thursday, December 13, 2012
ETA and new wheels...
Also, Linda Dutton is in need of another vehicle, her van is ready to retire. She is looking for an affordable, reliable 4-door. Call the church office or Linda if you have some info. Thanks!
Support and Healing
trying to determine whether she is having seizures or a tia episode. She and her
husband are Christians and active in their church back in Wisconsin. Not being able
to drive and awaiting test results have left her feeling very depressed.
Maren Giannini
A prayer of thanksgiving... my sister, Kay Spurlock's surgery was successful. Please continue to pray for healing.
Sue Skjong
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Healing, Patience, and Thanksgiving
Cindy Suppus
Prayers of healing and patience for Bob Folts, he had retina surgery last Thursday.
Thank you,
Carmen Caspersen
Surgery success and Healing
Thank you. Love in Jesus,
Audrey Ohanesian
Please pray for a friend Jason as he will be continuing dialysis at home. Please pray for a total healing and that he could be off dialysis. God bless your prayers for Jason.
Audrey Ohanesian
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Strength and Perseverance
Thank you for your prayers.
Toni Troya
Success in surgery
Thank you for your prayers.
Audrey Ohanesian
Please pray for my sister Kay Spurlock. She is having total knee replacement today. Pray for a successful surgery and healing.
Conrad & Sue Skjong
Friday, December 7, 2012
Home and Healing
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Healing and Comfort
Also, a prayer of thanksgiving for my friend Ken who is recovered from the infection after surgery.
Please continue to pray for my friend Donna. She is still recovering from her stroke. She would like to be driving again soon.
Thanks to Him for your prayer life.
Love in Jesus, Audrey Ohanesian
Please pray for less pain/healing for my mom, Mildred Salo, who has been having more arthritis pain in her hip - making it difficult for her to walk.
Thank you, Diane Salo
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Healing and comfort
Comfort and Healing
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
FW: eprayer
With love in Jesus
Maren Giannini
Comfort and Healing
Thank you.
Gloria Day
Thanks and Healing
God Bless, Sandy Silva
Saturday, November 17, 2012
cr20_meeting adolescent needs
work: - Ozarks Technical Community College
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled."
Friday, November 16, 2012
Healing and Doctors' Wisdom
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thanksgiving and hope
Blessings, Sandy Silva
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Free FTP clients
work: - Ozarks Technical Community College
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled."
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Recovery and Thanksgiving
God bless your prayer lives.
Love in Jesus, Audrey Ohanesian
Friday, November 9, 2012
Relief and new concerns
Dr's Wisdom and Encouragement
Thank you, Sandy Silva
The biopsy results for Heather's sister-in-law Diana were negative. Heather's director will need some radiation treatments and drugs but no chemo. She will complete her treatment by year end.
Thank you for your prayers.
Comfort and Healing
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Comfort and Healing
Thank you, Sandy Silva
Continued prayers for Bernice Theiss Hall (former member)who is still at the rehab facility after her stroke. However, she is anxiously hoping and praying to go home on Wednesday. Prayers for continuing improvement and patience in her recovery.
Love in Jesus, Audrey
Friday, November 2, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Strength, Healing, and Thanksgiving
Thank you for your prayers, Toni Troya
Please pray for my friend Ken. He had hernia surgery about a week ago, but had to return to the hospital with an infection. He is now at home, but please pray for continuing quick and complete recovery and peace and patience through Him.
Love in Jesus, Audrey Ohanesian
Prayers of thanksgiving for my east coast friends and families; all have survived hurricane Sandy with none to minimal damage.
Thank you, Holly Contier
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Praise and Request
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Strength for difficult circumstances
Friday, October 26, 2012
The Ellis's
Feeling Better
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Healing for a little one
Thanks! Christina Grace
Healing and Encouragement
Please pray for Douglas Young and family. He is a gentleman that came into the office today, new to the area and looking for a new church family. Both he, his wife and 24 year old autistic daughter have many health problems and would really like to find a church where there is acceptance and compassion.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
New Life, and recovery...
Grace Ramos
Please pray for my 6yr. old grandson {Justin} who had surgery on Monday the 22nd. The Drs. removed his tonsils, adenoids & bones from his nostrils. Pray for a speedy recovery..
Thanks & God bless, Betty Cooper
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Comfort and Healing
Howard and Darlene
Mabel Stafne funeral

Santos-Robinson Mortuary
San Leandro
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Funeral Service 1500...or...3:00 p.m.

St. Peter's Lutheran Church
172 Breed Avenue
San Leandro
Reception to follow immediately after the service

If you'd like to help out with the "old fashion" Lutheran pot-luck reception...
please feel free to contact our cousin Deborah at 510-522-1413...
she will be coordinating the reception

Thanks so much for all your love and support during this eventful season in our lives.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Peace of mind...
We will update you with funeral details as soon as we are informed.
Also Lisa Souza's Mother passed away of heart failure Monday morning. Please keep their family in Prayer.
Dave & Marlene
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Comfort and Healing
Howard and Darlene
Zion Reformation Tickets...
Reformation Service- 2pm
Oktoberfest- 4pm ($15 by Oct. 14, $18 after)
Zion Piedmont (510)530-4213 In the past they've required payment in advance
We have only had one person respond, so you must order directly through Zion Piedmont this year, do it soon so you get the discounted rate!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Praise and Thanksgiving
Audrey Ohanesian
Healing and Comfort
Thank you,Dave & Marlene
Praise the Lord for our 15-year-old friend Noah whose blood platelet production has increased tremendously since his last treatment. The situation is not yet normal but it is much closer to normal than it has been for six months. Please continue to pray for his full recovery. Noah's 16-year old brother Jack suffered a serious concussion two weeks ago in a soccer game. Since that time he has had to be in a dark room 24/7 with no activity whatsoever: no TV, reading or anything else. He has been told that there is no other cure and he must remain in that state until he is well. He has been very uncomfortable and has also missed two weeks of school. Please pray for his speedy and complete recovery.
Howard and Darlene Goldhammer
Prayers of healing for my cousin Terry Meymandi, she suffered a heart attack last week this was her second one within the past 2 years. From what I have been told she is doing fine she had a shunt put in to unclog one of arteries that was blocked, that is all I know at this time, I don't even know if she is home from the hospital.
God Bless, Van
Prayers of praise and thanksgiving for Mary Dorr's sister, Joyce Christiansen- she is home from the hospital after a knee replacement. The blood clot is dissolved. Please pray that she will be able to be taken off the blood thinner as soon as possible. She is very thankful and appreciative of all your prayers.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Marlene & Dave Mueller
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Thank you. Gloria Day
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Healing and comfort
Please pray for Heather's sister in law, Diana Garcia. She will have a breast biopsy on Thursday. Also, pray for Heather's director. She had a lumpectomy last week and is waiting for the test results. Please pray that they both get good news and no other treatment will be needed. Thank you.
Gloria Day
Prayer request from CLS family… Prayers of healing for Rosario Cruz who has a brain tumor....pray for guidance for the doctors; also for Dina Cruz who will have thyroid surgery.
Prayers of thanksgiving for successful surgery for Cindy Suppus' sister Kim.
Prayers of healing for Trevor Contier's baseball buddy Aaron Dahl, who had his appendix removed yesterday.
I've had many of you call in for Ann Marie's address…
8350 Cypress Court
Dublin, CA 94568
Monday, October 1, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Comfort and Travel Mercies
Doug Henry
Travel mercies for Frank Mitchell II who is hoping to arrive home in time for Adolph's services. He is currently trying to get a flight out of Kuwait.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Job, Adolph's Service, Surgery
Audrey Ohanesian
Regarding Adolph's Services...."Our cousins Debbie and Pam will be coordinating all the food for the reception on Monday... if you'd like to help with a food item please give them a call at 510-522-1413...thanks for your assistance and blessings always...
The Stafne girls <3
Please pray for Briana De La Mater who will be having a surgical procedure in Sacramento at 9:30am. Pray for a safe and complete procedure. Wisdom for the doctors.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Adolph Staphne
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Thanks, Barbara Goldhammer
Prayers of peace and healing for Briana De La Mater, a CLS mom who will be having a surgical procedure done on Thursday. Pray for a successful procedure and for complete healing.
Praise, Thanksgiving, and Comfort
Prayers of peace and comfort for the Stafne family, Adolph passed away a little while ago.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Driving Test
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Test result concerns
Safe Delivery and Health
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Comfort and Healing, Dean's Passing
Please keep in prayer a women named Rose (my future son-in-law, David's, sister-in law). She is in her fifties and had a major stroke about 2 years ago. Since then she has had multiple strokes. We don't have all the details at present, but have been told she is in a coma like state. They are concerned she may not make it. Please pray for God's healing touch for Rose. Also, keep her family in your prayers. Especially her husband and children. May God surround them all with His love, strength, mercy, and comfort.
Thank you, Sandy Silva
Prayers of healing for Mary Dorr's sister, she fell and injured both of her knees. Will be going in Tuesday for replacement/repair of both knees. Prayers for successful treatment.
Please pray for our friend Barbara, who lives in South Dakota. She fell and broke her hip and is now in rehab, but recovery is a struggle. Please pray for wisdom and direction for the doctors, all those who care for her and her husband. (She and her husband were mentors to Howard through his teen-age years.)
Please continue to pray for our 15-year old friend Noah, whose platelets have again fallen to 50. He has once again been taken off all sports. A week ago he had another new aggressive treatment which only worked for a very short time. Pray for wisdom and direction for the doctors and encouragement for Noah, his family and extended family, who are all struggling with the situation.
Howard and Darlene Goldhammer
Prayers of peace and comfort for the family of Dean Balk. Dean went home to be with our Lord yesterday. (I have no info yet on service arrangements)
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Thanksgiving and healing
Also, Jan's neighbor, Richard Cole is at Stanford Hospital receiving chemotherapy for his leukemia, prayers of healing and comfort.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Comfort and Healing
Jan's son-in-law Brian Jones will be tested at Medford Hospital, Oregon on Monday for a pacemaker. If the #'s are under 35 he will not need one. Pray for Brian to not be anxious and for him to call on the Lord in his time of fear. (pray for the #'s to be under 35).
Prayers of peace and comfort for Jan's 76 year old neighbor, Richard Cole, who was diagnosed 2 months ago with terminal Leukemia. He is now hospitalized with a severe infection - doctor's don't know what is causing it. Richard's wife has Alzheimer's and is having difficulty with this situation.
The Ellis family
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Healing and Comfort
Rosalie Ellis is still in the hospital, doctors are still running tests. Continued prayers of healing and wisdom for the doctors.
Dean Balk is about the same. He's hard to communicate with because he's not wearing his hearing aids. Prayers for peace and comfort.
Healing and Calmness
Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and show him and his whole family how to cope.
Howard and Darlene Goldhammer
Please pray for healing and calmness for my neighbor, Joanne Goodwin, who has been diagnosed with horrible vertigo. She spent all day Wed. at her home dizzy, nauseous and vomiting for HOURS, waiting for me to return home from my trip to So. Cal. because she was too afraid to call the Dr. She lives alone and didn't want to go to the hospital without me. I took her to Kaiser ER, she is being treated by a wonderful Dr who has kept her for the night to give the medicine time to work and hopefully improve her condition. Please pray for Joanne to find faith and trust in the Lord, that he is always by her side no matter what, and that she is never really alone.
Love in Jesus, Toni Troya
Healing and Encouragement
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Travel mercies, healing, and thanksgiving
Also, prayers of praise.... Michael Caspersen has returned to work. Prayers for continually healing.
Prayers of healing for Kevin Pye who is recovering from a knee surgery last Tuesday.
Prayers of healing for Ron Contier who pulled a muscle last week at work and is out of work for the week to heal. Pray for his wife to be patient, loving and compassionate

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Pray for acceptance
Comfort, healing, praise
Dian Smith
Prayers of healing for Rosalie Ellis. She was taken to the Eden ER yesterday morning with seizure-like symptoms. Annie found her at the sink tightly gripping the counter top and swaying her head back and forth not able to respond to questions, etc. Annie & dad called 911 and they took her to Eden. By the time the paramedics arrived she seemed to be over the worst of it and she was able to walk to the gurney with assistance from the paramedics. They took x-rays, did a CAT scan, blood work, etc. The CAT scan did not show anything unusual. Today she will be having an MRI and an EEG. We would ask for prayers that the doctors would be able to find the cause of what happened on Monday morning and also would be able to adjust her medications so that she will feel better once she is home.
Thank you, The Ellis family
Prayers of praise for Gisela Binder…her eye appt went well, and she does not need cataract surgery. The doctor said if she sees as well as she did during the office visit, that she should have no problem passing her upcoming driver's license appt.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Healing and Comfort
Blessings and Thank You Christina Grace
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Comfort and release
Dian Smith
Healing and relief
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
He can walk with a walker (which he hates) short distances without labored breathing. One rib was removed and he is very uncomfortable but happy to be on the road to recovery.
Special thanks to all the ladies who made it possible for him to have a prayer quilt. He loves it! Love in Jesus,
Cindy Strom
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Great News!
Dave and Marlene
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Thank you,
Marlene & Dave Mueller
Healing and Recovery
Also, for Jean Bumgardner's brother, Roy who is recovering from shoulder surgery.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Prayers of safety for Jan Curler's daughter Lyn and husband Bryan... they live in Keno, Oregon and the fires are moving in closer.
Audrey Ohanesian
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Healing and Comfort
Thanks. Carmen
Friday, August 17, 2012
Howard and Darlene
This is an update on Dawn Nickles, Sid's granddaughter. She is home from the hospital now, her white blood count is still a little low.
Welcome Micah!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Fremont, CA 94539
Friday, August 10, 2012
Peace and Comfort for a old friend
Fremont, CA 94539
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Howard and Darlene Goldhammer
Pray for Dawn Nickles, grand daughter of Sid Nickles- she's in the hospital for a low blood count.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Cindy Strom
Friday, August 3, 2012
Healing, Comfort, Concern
My friends name is Joannie and she has been diagnosed for the 4th time with Lymphoma. If your church congregation could ask God to give her some help and be with her, I know it will help. The power of prayer is so strong and a direct link to Gods ear.
Thank you so much!
Dean Balk is having more trouble standing for transfers and fell Monday. We brought him to see Dr. Jokerst and she ran a battery of tests on him. Nothing looked terribly wrong, but he's very tired and weak. The doctor suggested it might be time to start hospice. So we met with a hospice intake person and a nurse and signed him up. He'll be getting more care from the hospice staff, which is good for him. Please spread the word and keep him in your prayers.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Thanksgiving and comfort
Praise the Lord, Marlene Mueller
Please pray for Liz Mullins, she is a close family friend of my cousin Maggie. Last night Liz's mother committed suicide. When I have more information I will pass it along.
Thanks. Van Deckert
Please continue to pray for my dad, Lester Coolbeth. His one lung had an infection and was full of liquid and he could not breathe. Thankfully the biopsies on the liquid were negative for cancer. Unfortunately the lung did not re-inflate after being drained, so he only has one lung now. Please pray that both his lungs will heal. He made it home safely with his wife, driving their RV from Anchorage, Alaska back to their home in Ocala, Florida. He went to the lung specialist this afternoon and was directly admitted back into the hospital. He still has some pockets of infection on and around his lung, so they will be doing surgery on him but I don't know when. They will go in on his side and clean the area and scrape the lung to remove these pockets of infection. The doctor said this was the main priority, but he does have some other tests plus an echocardiogram scheduled. Please pray for my dad to be patient, as he can't do much at all without feeling out of breath. He is a strong man who has to be busy all the time. It's hard for me to be so far away from him. I love him very, very much.
Love in Jesus, Cindy Strom
Monday, July 30, 2012
Comfort at passing
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Thanksgiving and hope
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Thanks and Blessings
Prayers of peace and comfort for Louise Woodard whose son, John passed away on Saturday.
(call church office for contact info - 510-278-2555)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Healing and Strength
Thanks, Marlene Mueller
Thanks to all friends and family praying for Jacob. He LOVES his prayer quilt and immediately on bringing it home to him on Sunday he wrapped himself up in it and seemed so content to be covered in prayer! He's doing much better! He still feels weak and nauseated but was able to fully participate in our San Diego vacation trip which was alot of walking in the heat, something he would not have been able to do a month ago, and such a blessing to see him be able to enjoy the family time. His blood test was back to normal as far as the lymphocytes/neutrophils ratio, but his WBC were still a bit low. Overall we will chalk this up to an unknown virus, and continue to pray that he continues to improve in these last weeks of summer so that he can get back to normal by the time school starts again. He's been working really hard on all the make-up work from the last quarter of school he missed. I cant thank you enough for all your prayers and support!
Anne Ellis
Strength and Comfort
Peace and Comfort
Prayers of healing and comfort for Jan Curler's friend Richard who was diagnosed with leukemia
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Healing and Comfort
X-ray on my dad's lung did not turn out as we had hoped. There doesn't seem to be much change. Several things are a concern, the lung is still white, the pocket of air, and something about the shape of the outside of the lung is abnormal. And of course, didn't want to scare us, but there is a possibility of cancer. He and his wife will be headed home to Florida tomorrow. Please keep him in your prayers.
Cindy Strom
work: - Ozarks Technical Community College
"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."
- A. Einstein
Going in the love of God - Grace Ramos

Thank you, Marlene Mueller
Please pray for my friend Cindy Garcia. She has been diagnosed with a disorder that shrinks the blood vessels in her brain. There is no cure and it isn't reversible but is manageable with medication. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and that the medication works.
Thank you. Gloria Day
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Many requests...
Prayers of healing for Anna Beasley who had fallen, laid on the floor for sometime, nobody knows how long, and is at Kaiser re-hab in San Leandro. She is really banged up and looking quite frail.
Joyce Glock's son Bill requested prayer for coworker Norma Jean Mathews. She was taken by ambulance from her job to the hospital. She has a brain tumor , not operable and has been given a short time to live.
Please pray for my dad, Lester Coolbeth. He has been hospitalized while vacationing in Anchorage, Alaska. Dad's been having severe bronchial problems and antibiotics have not been helping him. One lung is completely filled so breathing is very difficult. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and a miracle to heal him.
Love in Jesus, Cindy Strom
Please pray for my neighbor, Suzanne, who is undergoing a 6+ hr major surgery this morning, July 11. Please pray for the Lord's blessing on the surgeon to guide her hands and make all the best decisions as she operates. Please pray for the Lord's blessing on Suzanne, and for her to feel His comfort as He holds her in His arms during this time. Blessings, Toni Troya
Prayers of peace and comfort for Karla Regnier and family for the passing of Karla's mom, Willine Watson.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thanks, PJ
Into Rehab...
Healing of spine
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wisdom and Healing
I'm sorry I have not updated sooner on Jacobs status. The best we can figure now is that Jacob has been fighting off a virus. The Addison's test was negative, but the Endocrinologist called and said his Vitamin D is very low. Vitamin D has an effect on your immune system which would make it harder for him to fight off viruses. He's also had changes in his blood work indicating a viral cause. He's been tested for Mono a couple of times, the Dr can't completely rule it out based on his blood work, but as long as he gets better, its not critical as there is not really any treatment other than rest, which he's been doing. He's started on 50,000 IU once a week for 8 weeks for the Vit D Deficiency. He seems to be improving. (even before the Vit D) He's gained back 5 lbs, and his appetite is improving significantly. He's still nauseous, but to a lesser degree, and the fatigue is still a major problem. Hopefully this will improve with more weight gain and Vit. D supplements. Thanks to all for your prayers and support, it means the world to all of us!
Prayers of Praise and thanksgiving... Ron Borges is doing well and is to be discharged today.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Fires in CO
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Successful Surgery
Peace and Comfort
Also, prayers of peace and comfort for Tammy Contier's friend, Anthony. Anthony's mom passed away suddenly on June 22 at the age of 38.
Healing and Comfort
Rob Schultz
Friday, June 22, 2012
Comfort and Thanksgiving
Please pray for my good friend Michelle. She was engaged to her best friend and love of her life. Her wedding was this summer. Her fiancé Daniel tragically passed away Weds.. She is devastated and isn't able to communicate well right now. She need's God's love wrapped around her!
My Marvin went for his 6 mo MRI last week, which tracks the remnant tumor in his head from his 2009 surgery. (In 2010 it had increased in size and he then underwent 6 wks of radiation in Fall 2010). This latest MRI showed a modest reduction in the tumor's size as a result of the radiation; his neurosurgeon is so pleased that Marvin doesn't have to go back to see him again until June 2013. Praise the Lord for prayers answered! Please keep him in your prayers that the tumor will continue to die. Blessings, Toni Troya
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Healing and Thanksgiving
Prayers of healing and a successful surgery for Ron Borges who is have by-pass surgery tomorrow morning.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Coomfort and Thanksgiving
Prayers of thanksgiving, Annie Bland gave birth to twins last week. Both babies weighed 6 + lbs. The little girl was put on oxygen for some breathing problems. The little boy was doing fine.
Barbara Goldhammer
I was able to deliver Mr. Pittman's quilt today. He and his wife were very touched and were very appreciative. He actually said it took his breath away and even got a little teary eyed...we had a nice visit. What a wonderful couple.
His wife was so excited that he now has a special quilt to take with him to even has his name on it so it wont get lost :) Thank you for allowing me to share this gift with him. I did take a picture on my phone, so I will try and get that to you soon.
He wanted me to thank the ladies from the quilting group, Maria for her special addition of the cross and the congregation for their prayers. His treatments will continue until the end of the year. Thank you again for your continued prayers for Mr. Pittman.
Love and Blessings,
Ann Marie Mitchell
Thursday, June 14, 2012
For successful surgery
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Foot Surgery
Thank you.........Diane Salo
Thanksgiving x 2
Update on Sue, friend of Norma Jean and Bill Glock... she had surgery and a baseball sized tumor was removed. She is home recovering. The doctor called it a miracle. Power of prayer.
Joyce Glock
Friday, June 8, 2012
Strength and Healing
He still remains extremely weak and tired, nauseated and dizzy, and heart rate elevates too much when standing and laying down. Please pray that these symptoms disappear soon and we find answers and good treatments. He has not felt well since his Appendectomy surgery on April 2nd (two months ago) At this point the doctors feel it is very unlikely that these symptoms are related to any after effects of the surgery.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Please. Pray for healing.
Jerrie Moyer
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Thanksgiving and Success
She thanks you all for your prayers.
John's nephew Sam completed his Air Force studies for Air Traffic Control and will now complete his apprenticeship for one year at Travis AFB. Prayers for his continuing success in this chosen field with the Air Force.
Audrey Ohanesian
Monday, June 4, 2012
Comfort and Encouragement
If you want to send him a card of encouragement, contact the Church Office for his address.
Also, prayers of Thanksgiving for Chrystle & Stuart Vincent's baby grand daughter, born this morning at 9:35am. Stephanie and baby are doing well.
Comfort and Healing
Friday, June 1, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Also, for Matthew Geach, Joel and Michelle's son- he recently had another seizure (first one in 2 and 1/2 years) Tests are being run to see what caused the seizure.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Doctors' Wisdom and Healing
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Comfort and encouragement
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Comfort and Recovery
Darlene Goldhammer
ManorCare Health Services
1150 Tilton Dr.
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Darlene Goldhammer's surgery went well. As of 2:30pm she is in recovery doing well and will be staying overnight.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Healing and comfort
have surgery on june 2nd, also for radiation treatments. Also
prayers for my brother, who has prostate cancer,who will be @
Loma Linda hosp.nine wks. For proton radiation treatments.his
name is Robert & is fearful of the cancer treatment {peace of
Thank you all. & God bless,
Betty Cooper
Thanksgiving and Protection
Prayers of thanksgiving for a successful knee surgery for my dad's wife, Elaine. Prayers for continued healing and full recovery. Holly Contier
Monday, May 14, 2012
Comfort and Travel Mercies
Friday, May 11, 2012
Call Meeting
Wisdom and Healing
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Barbara Goldhammer
Comfort and Healing
Thanks for all the prayers! Jan Curler
Rest and Healing
Howard and Darlene Goldhammer
Prayers for Annie Bland a friend of Amy & Jason Goldhammer. She is pregnant with twins and has been put on full bed rest. Pray that she will go to term (mid-July) and that the babies will be healthy. They also have an 18 month old son.
Thanks, Barbara G.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Peace and Comfort
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Comfort and Doctors' Wisdom
Prayers of healing for Karen Rippy, 57 years old (Lisa Souza's sister). Karen has been in the hospital for about 3 weeks, she is waiting for a liver transplant and is now in complete organ failure. Prayers for wisdom for the doctors to find out what is causing this and for a donor.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Healing and uplifting
Also, prayers of healing, emotional and spiritual uplifting for Edith Mena's sister-in-law Dee Lazaga. She's been battling cancer for some time now and is spending a lot more time in the hospital. She has three children, one 18 year old autistic daughter, another child in college and a 14 year old son. May the Lord surround this whole family during this time and fill them with courage, peace and strength.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Comfort and Healing
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Chest pains
Strength and Healing
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Moving, Peace, and Thanksgiving
She was moving on April 6, she hopes for the last time, to a senior citizens home. Louise says it is nice and light with windows all around with a balcony deck. Her address there is:
Louise Woodard
Gold Quarta Inn, Rm. 201
15 Bryson Dr.
Sutter Creek, CA 95685
Please pray for freedom from pain and His peace in adjusting to her new home.
Also, a prayer of praise and thanksgiving as our son John and one of those he supervises have been offered permanent positions as of June 1 with Oracle, the company that bought Taleo. (They do not know at this time how many employees have been offered positions.)
Finally, a prayer of praise and thanksgiving as my cardiac stress test results were normal.
Thank you all for your prayers.
Love in Jesus, Audrey Ohanesian
Spirit and Calmness
Also, prayers for Leah Aguilar who just found out that her uncle now needs open heart surgery. Prayers of peace and a calmness as she goes through this difficult time first with her dad and now her uncle. Prayers of healing for all!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Peace and Comfort
Andrea Aldridge (Jackie's daughter)
619 Momar Lane
Escondido, CA 92027