Thursday, November 1, 2012

Strength, Healing, and Thanksgiving

Please keep our good friends Bob and Robert Kruger in your prayers.  Bob has been battling a cancerous brain tumor for the past 5 years; 2 surgeries and then radiation.  It is not curable but is manageable at this point.  Bob's son, Robert, has just been diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkins lymphoma and is currently undergoing chemo.  Robert is married w/ a 1 yr old baby.  Please ask the Lord for comfort, calmness and to bless the doctors with abilities to heal both Bob and Robert.  Lastly, please also keep Bob's wife and Robert's mother, Peggy, in your prayers, because her unfailing faith in the Lord is all that helps her find the courage and strength to keep their family moving forward dealing with her husband's diagnosis and ongoing medical care, and then their son's diagnosis as well.   
Thank you for your prayers, Toni Troya


Please pray for my friend Ken.  He had hernia surgery about a week ago, but had to return to the hospital with an infection.  He is now at home, but please pray for continuing quick and complete recovery and peace and patience through Him. 

Love in Jesus, Audrey Ohanesian


Prayers of thanksgiving for my east coast friends and families; all have survived hurricane Sandy with none to minimal damage. 

Thank you, Holly Contier

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