Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Doctors' Wisdom and Healing

Please add Jacob to your prayers...He's been sick with weakness, dizziness, nausea and weight loss for the past month. He has only been back to school a few days since the Appendectomy on April 9th. We have ruled out Mono, parasites, Celiac Disease and a few others. He is now being tested for Addisons Disease, a rare disease affecting the Adrenal glands and the hormones they produce. One of Jacobs teachers actually mentioned that he had Addisons and Jacobs symptoms are similar to his before he was diagnosed and treated. 
Please pray that we can find the cause for these symptoms quickly, or that they just go away for good!
Its like searching for a needle in a hay stack as these symptoms could have so many different causes. We just need to eliminate them one by one in order to find the correct diagnosis.  Jacob had the blood screening test for Addisons this morning and they should be back in about a week, hopefully sooner. 
Thanks for the prayers, 
Annie Ellis

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