Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Fw: Prayer of Thanksgiving


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Prayer of praise and thanksgiving for the good results for Judy Schneider's recent angiogram which showed some improvement in her heart since her heart attack.  Please continue to pray for her as she is still short of breath and has been referred to another Pulmonary doctor to confirm if she does or does not have COPD. Pray for His guidance in a diagnosis and treatment for her. She is very thankful for your prayers.

Love in Jesus, 

Audrey Ohanesian


CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

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Fw: Prayer Requests - Linda & Harv


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Prayer Requests
Please pray for:
Linda Fong-Farenbaugh

Harv Goldhammer



Update on Linda Wong-Farenbaugh on the cancer warrior list in the bulletin. Thought I'd furnish an update and ask for continued prayers for her comfort a little while longer. 

 Linda is terminal now, in hospice care with IV feeding and hydration; 24 hour in-home care.   She has a morphine pump and is being kept comfortable and pain-free. It is just a matter of weeks now before she will go home to the Lord and she is looking toward that day with peace in her heart. 

 She has a strong faith in the Lord as does her husband and her family. She still naps with her prayer quilt and speaks fondly of her VBS time with us. 

 Thank you everyone for your prayers

 Toni Troya Huth 


 Please pray for Harv Goldhammer, he has been diagnosed with a blood clot in his leg. Please pray that the clot will not move and will dissolve. He has been started on blood thinners and is doing well.


Barbara Goldhammer

Calvary Lutheran Church  510-278-2555
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

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Friday, July 27, 2018

Prayer Request for Sandy

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Please Pray For:

Sandy Silva

She went into ER yesterday with difficulty breathing and an erratic  and high heart rate.  The doctors found fluid surrounding her heart and are looking into how to proceed further.  They may have to insert a tube to drain the fluid or they may try to use drugs to see if the fluid decreases.  She is on antibiotics.  Additionally, she has atrial fibrillation and they may shock the heart to see if it goes back to normal rhythm.  There is a possibility she may be transferred to Merritt in Oakland.  The cardiologist is supposed to come around this morning before noon and give an update ro plan for what they are going to do.


Pray that the doctors would be able to find out what is wrong and treat her for it. 


Thank you,



CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Praise & Thanksgiving!

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Praise and Thanksgiving

for Maria Mitchell's successful hip replacement surgery.

The surgery was done at Kaiser this morning.  At 9:30 a.m. she was up and walking around and is now home.  Maria feels good and does not have much pain.

To God be all glory!


CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Prayer Request


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Please Pray For:

Maria Mitchell who will be having a hip replacement this Thursday morning. Pray for guidance for the surgeon to perform a successful surgery and for a complete and speedy recovery for Maria.

CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

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Fw: Prayer Request


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Prayer Request

My sister Barbara Ihle will have shoulder surgery Tuesday morning 7/24.  Please pray for guidance for the doctors, a speedy recovery and patience while she heals.

 Thank you,

Gloria Day

Calvary Lutheran Church, San Lorenzo, CA

CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

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Fw: Prayer Request


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Please Pray For:

Prayer needed for Eric & Karlie Cooper, parents of Amani, granddaughter of Art & Betty Cooper. Amani has PSC (Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis) . The only treatment is a liver transplant. Pray that this can be done as soon as possible. There is no cure for this disease.

Thank you,

Betty Cooper



Calvary Lutheran Church
17200 Via Magdalena
San Lorenzo, CA   94580

CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Fw: Prayer Requests


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Prayer Requests
Please pray for:

Gisela Binder                             

John Binder

Zara Kennedy



Gisela Binder has been diagnosed with Thyroid cancer and is receiving radiation. A stint has been had put in to keep her throat open. She is being fed and given medication through a tube. Please also pray for strength and comfort for John.


Prayer has been requested by Betty and Art Cooper for Zara Kennedy....new born great granddaughter in critical condition with major internal issues....the mother, Jasmine, had a seizure during delivery and is in intensive care. 

Thanks, Dave and Marlene

Calvary Lutheran Church  510-278-2555

CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Fw: Moving to Smaller Home


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From Lyle & Jan Kreger

We are moving to a smaller home and have items that need a home.  All you have to do is call us and tell us you  want it, and come get it.  Couch, chair and ottoman that match. Very good condition.  Grandmother Wall  clock, Roll Top Desk, and Curio.  If interested call us.

Thank you

Lyle and Jan Kreger   510-278-9167

CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Fw: Prayer Request


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Prayer Request

Please pray for former member, Judy Schneider who will be undergoing an angiogram this Thursday the 5th.

Pray for her to be free of anxiety and for the skill of the doctor doing the procedure.

CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

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