Friday, July 2, 2021

prayer request from the Silva family

Please pray with us...

This prayer request came from Sandy Silva. 

We're requesting prayers for Mary (our daughters mother-in-law). Besides the infection in her amputated leg that we have been praying for, Mary also has an aneurism in her groin area. They have been monitoring it,  but the doctors have been very concerned about it. If they leave it, it will eventually burst and she would not survive, if that happened. They'd like to do surgery while they are still able, but with that the family has been told the odds of her making it through surgery is very poor. She is going into the hospital tonight (Thursday). Family does not know if surgery will be tomorrow or in next few days. Please pray that she is able to make it through the surgery. Prayers for the medical team and doctors that will be involved. Continued prayers for healing of her infection. Also prayers for my son-in-law, David and the rest of the family. It's a difficult and emotional time for them all, as you would expect. Mary is a Christian and isn't worried for the future which brings reassurance.
Thank you, The Silva Family

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
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