Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Prayer for healing

My uncle, Dan (my mom's brother), is in the hospital again. They did an x-ray & found a blockage going to one of his lungs. They were going to do a tracheotomy on him, but they can't seem to get the fluid out of his lungs. he is still on the ventilator, but they decided not to do the tracheotomy at this point. They have him sedated because he would rip IV and ventilator, etc out otherwise.  He also has MRSA (a severe, contagious, and highly difficult to treat staph infection) he is in rough shape! His kidneys are doing not everything is shutting down.
My mom will be traveling to Billings (a 4-hour round trip for her) to see him tomorrow. Please pray for healing for Dan, safe travel and peace of mind for my mom, and wisdom and guidance for the hospital staff.
In Christ, Kristi Morlock

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