Monday, July 11, 2011

God Works Miracles!

Good afternoon;
Received an email update through Barbara Goldhammer from Annie, whose sister is Bobbi Jo - here it is!

A huge thanks to all of you for your thoughts & prayers . After all the dr's said bobbi jo's chances of ever waking up was nearly impossible, this afternoon when they brought her body out of hypothermic state and rewarmed her completley  at 400pm they were trying to stimulate by doing pain points on her body and she responded in ways no one expected, she's following commands, slowly waking up. Every md and rn in this hospital has been by her room since in disbelief that she is awake after being down without a pulse for so long. I've been by her side, she recognized me and grabbed my hand. They have since extabated her ( took her off life support) and she is being supported by only a few liters of oxygen. She's going through boughts of nausea, really bad headaches and a few abnormal rhythms on her heart monitor so we are watching her closely to make sure her heart doesn't stop again. The dr's told me she had sudden cardiac death. Yesterday I thought I was going to have to plan her funeral and now things have suprisingly turned for the best. I can't even believe it. We told the staff here how tough bobbi jo is, never did I think she could overcome this. I compare my happiness to the same as when my son was born , except my sister has been brought back to life again. She's not out of the woods yet, but I wanted to thank you ALL for being here for me during this very hard time. So far she has really bad short term memory loss, which dr's say should get better in a couple days. They will be doing a ton of cardiac testing on her to see what happened. She is a miracle.  She's her fiesty normal self. So thank you for praying for her. She's got a little girl waiting for her to get back home. Please keep her in your thoughts and thank you all SO VERY MUCH. I'm so lucky to have you all and your support right now.

God is a miracle worker! Pastor

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