Friday, June 8, 2012

Strength and Healing

Update on Jacob Ellis....He has been seen by an Endocrinologist who also feels Jacobs symptoms are suggestive of Addisons Disease or another type of Adrenal Insufficiency. He's having another test for that on Monday morning. He's seeing a Pediatric Hematologist who is testing a number of different things as well, including evaluating a peripheral blood smear himself. 

He still remains extremely weak and tired, nauseated and dizzy, and heart rate elevates too much when standing and laying down.  Please pray that these symptoms disappear soon and we find answers and good treatments.  He has not felt well since his Appendectomy surgery on April 2nd (two months ago) At this point the doctors feel it is very unlikely that these symptoms are related to any after effects of the surgery.

Thanks for your prayers and support,
Annie Ellis

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