Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Prayer Request

Please pray for comfort and strength for Dan Diaz and his family as Diane passed away last night. They recently found out that she had an aneurysm in her brain and she died unexpectedly. We will let you know of funeral arrangements in the next few days.

Request from the Mitchell's


Prayers for Rolland And Jessica Trempert  Missionary/Pilots on their way to Africa. 
They will be flying Small single engine aircraft in and out of remote unimproved landing areas
Bringing supplies to remote Missions that are cut off  due to Cyclone Idai.
The Tremperts are with MISSIONARY AVIATION FELLOWSHIP out of Nampa Idaho.
MAF supplies Aircraft, Mechanics & Pilots to Fly Missionaries, Doctors, Evangelist and supplies to remote locations around the world to share Christ's Love beyond where the Road Ends.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Prayer Request


Prayers for Marlene Mueller who will be having a procedure done on Monday.  Pray for a calmness of spirit as well as a successful procedure for Marlene.  Also pray for the doctors who will be attending her that their hands be guided with your blessing.

Fw: Prayer Request

Douglas Henry
work:   mailto:henryd@otc.edu - Ozarks Technical Community College

From: Church secretary <churchsecretary@calvaryslz.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2019 4:47 PM
To: Church secretary
Subject: Prayer Request

Prayers for Marlene Mueller who will be having a procedure done on Monday.  Pray for a calmness of spirit as well as a successful procedure for Marlene.  Also pray for the doctors who will be attending her that their hands be guided with your blessing.
Sharon Glock, Church Secretary
Calvary Lutheran Church & School
To unsubscribe: http://www.calvaryslz.org/church/eprayer/unsub.html

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Prayer request


Please pray for Cindy Schultz mother, Toni Kastanos.  She is in the hospital with pneumonia.  Prayers for her recovery.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Prayer Request


Please pray for Conrad Skjong, that God would grant relief from pain.
May our Lord comfort Conrad with his grace and healing of body and soul.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Prayer Request


Pray for Howard Goldhammer who is in the hospital for observation.  He was suffering chest pains.  Pray for healing.