Greetings to YOU,
This Sunday marks the beginning of my time as your interim Pastor. As you know I have been filling in from time to time but now all my previous commitments are completed. So as we come to the end of the year, I plan to be with you every Sunday, for Thanksgiving, midweek Advent, Christmas services as well as each Tuesday – Thursday mornings in the office.
To move forward I suggested that we begin by studying God's Word together for the next 5 weeks. For my first Sunday, November 19 we will be reading 2 Corinthians 1:1-11. How can I encourage all of you to remain and attend? Can we use this discussion time to become better acquainted? What do you expect from a Bible Study? In your own home, when do you open your Bible to hear from God? If you are like me, you open your Bible because you have a regular devotional habit. The other time is when you are facing or are in a crisis situation. Calvary has faced a lot of change this year, so this is why I thought we should have God speak to us through His Word. After service Sunday, grab some coffee and come back into the sanctuary so we can listen, discuss, and learn what God wants to teach us through these recent changes we are facing as a congregation and what plans He has for us as we move forward.
I look forward to our time of worship together,
Pastor Gary Mohr