With the unrest after what happened in Manchester this week, they are a little uneasy about travel.
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CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States
With the unrest after what happened in Manchester this week, they are a little uneasy about travel.
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States
Request for Prayer | |
Request for Prayer | |
Please keep Kevin Smith in your prayers. He is experiencing infection in his arm due to an unhealing burn on his hand. He is Diabetic and has previously lost two fingers due to gangrene. He is hospitalized in Ohio and receiving IV antibiotics. |
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States
| Continued Prayers Please |
Update on Haley Kreefe-Roelling Haley is the 19 year old whose foot was severed in a car accident last fall. Through numerous surgeries they were able to save her foot and she is able to walk with a walker. We had given her a prayer quilt and when she was in surgery, her family would hold the quilt, tie knots, and pray for her. Now her Grandmother Roelling is being treated for cancer and they are using Haley's quilt to tie more knots and pray for her. We need to thank and praise God that Haley is able to walk. I ask that you continue to pray for Haley and also for her Grandmother. Sue Skjong
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States
| Prayers Requests |
Please keep this person in your prayers: Marlene & Dave's Niece is having major surgery on her hip Thursday morning. Please keep her in your prayers. |
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States
Request for Prayer | |
Please keep Betty Cooper's Family in your prayers. Betty's Sister Jackie passed away yesterday. Please Pray for Jackie's husband Henry and daughter Joey, Betty and Art and family. Pray for Safe travels for Betty as she will be leaving Tuesday to fly back for the funeral. |
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States
| Prayer of Thanksgiving |
Frank & Maria Mitchell would like a prayer of thanksgiving said as the Lord was looking over them with His hand of protection. They were just leaving their home, when Maria smelled something burning. They found a smoking hot plug on their dishwasher. They are very thankful for their safety and that of their home. PTL! | |
Calvary Lutheran Church |
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States
Request for Prayer | |
Please pray for 5-year old Kali Ann Reynolds. She is being seen by doctors at Stanford for a problem she has had since Easter. Please pray that the Lord will be glorified in this situation, the family will be touched and she will be diagnosed and healed. Howard and Darlene Goldhammer |
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States
David Larson, husband of Phyllis, passed away yesterday. Also A memorial service will be held this Saturday at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at 11 a.m for Helen Ostruske, wife of long time, former pastor at Good Shepherd. Helen was 102 years old. Please keep these families in your prayers.
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States