Tuesday, May 28, 2013

E-Prayer for Rosalie Ellis

hands touching Dear Calvary Friend,


This is a prayer request for Rosalie Ellis.
She was taken to the ER @ Eden yesterday with what appears to be a mini stroke.  She may have had a small one on Tuesday also.   

We just received good news that they are releasing mom this afternoon.  The diagnosis is that she has been having the mini strokes (TIAs) and that in combination with her atrial fibrillation put her at an increased risk of stroke.  They are going to put her on a blood thinner that will reduce the risk of stroke.  She will follow up at the stroke clinic @ Eden in a month.


We would ask for additional prayers for easing mom's mind when she gets anxious or confused which seems to occur more often lately.


Thank you,


The Ellis family




Monday, May 20, 2013

FW: E-Prayers

Bible and Glasses Dear Friend,


Please continue to pray for my friend Dean (double amputee) who is now in rehab after suffering a stroke.  Praise Him as he is walking again and up most of the day.  The issue now is the difficulty swallowing; however, he is off pureed foods.  Lots of improvement, but still quite a ways to go.
He and Sibyl thank you for your prayers.  Love in Jesus,
Audrey Ohanesian




Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Holly Update

serene picture Dear Friend,


Update on Holly
We have heard that Holly is doing well. She is in still in pain since her surgery on Monday and her throat is irritated from the tubes but she is well. She will be going back to KPPACC for rehab not sure when she will be moved but we will try to keep everyone posted.




Update on Miss Grace's Dad

serene picture Dear Friend,



 Grant (Ms. Grace's father)  is healing physically from the car accident and is able to have the neck brace off his neck. However, he has to go in for an MRI because something inside his body is not right. He keeps getting dizzy and light headed with and without medication. Please pray for guidance for the Doctors, and a full recovery for him.





Medical Problems

serene picture Dear Friend,


Please pray for two of our young friends:  Jack who is 17 and Noah who is 16.  Several months ago we asked for prayers for these two brothers who were dealing with serious medical problems and we are again asking for your prayers.  Jack suffered a severe concussion in September during a soccer game.  He is still suffering from severe headaches and dizziness which seem to be getting worse.  Noah had a debilitating lose in production of blood platelets in the last month after having made good progress over the past months.  Please prayer for direction for the parents and the medical people who are treating these boys, for healing, for the Lord to give each member of the family a glimmer of hope in what has been a very difficult school year.
Howard and Darlene