Friday, June 29, 2012


Prayers of thanksgiving for Pastor Bothwell's brother's surgery. It is completed and the surgeon is confident that it went as expected. Prayers now for healing and that Dan will be able to eat and drink something this evening and be released tomorrow.
Thanks, PJ

Into Rehab...

Update from Ann Marie on Harry Stockes...Today, Harry had all remaining stitches and staples removed.  Healing seems to be going well.  He was told that he would likely be discharged on or about July 10th.  He will then become an outpatient at The Center for the Intrepid, part of the Brook Army Medical Center, to begin his rehabilitation phase.  His expectation is that this phase will last 4 to 6 months.

Healing of spine

Prayers of healing and for a successful surgery for Pastor Bothwell's brother, Dan (lives in Wisconsin).  He is having serious neck surgery to prevent continued deterioration of his spinal cord that will result in complete paralysis. Pray for the surgeon and for all attendants, and for his wife, Patti.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wisdom and Healing

A couple of months ago we asked for prayers for Noah, a 15-yr. old who was diagnosed with a blood problem.  His body is not producing blood platelets and he could bleed uncontrollably from even a minor scratch.  The platelet count was up a small amount for one week only and has now plunged back to no production whatsoever.  Please pray for healing, wisdom for the doctors and strength for Noah and his family to get through this difficult ordeal.
Howard and Darlene


Dear friends,

I'm sorry I have not updated sooner on Jacobs status. The best we can figure now is that Jacob has been fighting off a virus. The Addison's test was negative, but the Endocrinologist called and said his Vitamin D is very low. Vitamin D has an effect on your immune system which would make it harder for him to fight off viruses. He's also had changes in his blood work indicating a viral cause.  He's been tested for Mono a couple of times, the Dr can't completely rule it out based on his blood work, but  as long as he gets better, its not critical as there is not really any treatment other than rest, which he's been doing.  He's started on 50,000 IU once a week for 8 weeks for the Vit D Deficiency. He seems to be improving. (even before the Vit D) He's gained back 5  lbs, and his appetite is improving significantly. He's still nauseous, but to a lesser degree, and the fatigue is still a major problem. Hopefully this will improve with more weight gain and Vit. D supplements. Thanks to all for your prayers and support, it means the world to all of us! 

Blessings,Annie Ellis

Prayers of Praise and thanksgiving... Ron Borges is doing well and is to be discharged today.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fires in CO

Please pray for the residents of Colorado - especially Colorado Springs.  My parents have reported that 32,000 people have been evacuated due to the fires there and that the authorities are expecting it to burn for at least a month. Pray for peace as people are dislocated, rain, and safety for all families and firefighters. 
Bill and Colleen Martchenke

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Successful Surgery

Prayers of healing and salvation for Carole Adams sister-in-law, Dorothy.  Dorothy has been dealing with side effects that a stroke caused her and will undergo exploratory surgery tomorrow to find out if her arm can be saved.  May the Lord use these circumstances to draw her near to Him.

Peace and Comfort

Prayers of peace and comfort for the family of Paul Caspersen (Phil's brother).  Paul passed away on June 17 at the age of 77.  Phil and Carmen were able to attend services on June 21st.

Also, prayers of peace and comfort for Tammy Contier's friend, Anthony.  Anthony's mom passed away suddenly on June 22 at the age of 38.

Healing and Comfort

My wife Melody is having surgery to repair a broken elbow from a recent fall.  Prayer for a quick and effective procedure and rapid recovery, and peace during this time.
Thank you,
Rob Schultz

Friday, June 22, 2012

Comfort and Thanksgiving

Praise God for Ron Borges successful triple by-pass surgery.


Please pray for my good friend Michelle. She was engaged to her best friend and love of her life.  Her wedding was this summer. Her fiancĂ© Daniel tragically passed away Weds.. She is devastated and isn't able to communicate well right now. She need's God's love wrapped around her!


My Marvin went for his 6 mo MRI last week, which tracks the remnant tumor in his head from his 2009 surgery. (In 2010 it had increased in size and he then underwent 6 wks of radiation in Fall 2010).  This latest MRI showed a modest reduction in the tumor's size as a result of the radiation; his neurosurgeon is so pleased that Marvin doesn't have to go back to see him again until June 2013.  Praise the Lord for prayers answered! Please keep him in your prayers that the tumor will continue to die.  Blessings, Toni Troya

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Healing and Thanksgiving

Newborn, Nativity Justice who was having liver problems was given a clean bill of health.

Prayers of healing and a successful surgery for Ron Borges who is have by-pass surgery tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Coomfort and Thanksgiving

Prayers of peace and comfort for Edith Mena and family for the passing of her sister-in-law, Dee Lazaga.

Prayers of thanksgiving, Annie Bland gave birth to twins last week.  Both babies weighed 6 + lbs.  The little girl was put on oxygen for some breathing problems.  The little boy was doing fine.

Barbara Goldhammer



I was able to deliver Mr. Pittman's quilt today. He and his wife were very touched and were very appreciative. He actually said it took his breath away and even got a little teary eyed...we had a nice visit. What a wonderful couple.

His wife was so excited that he now has a special quilt to take with him to even has his name on it so it wont get lost :) Thank you for allowing me to share this gift with him. I did take a picture on my phone, so I will try and get that to you soon.

He wanted me to thank the ladies from the quilting group, Maria for her special addition of the cross and the congregation for their prayers. His treatments will continue until the end of the year. Thank you again for your continued prayers for Mr. Pittman.

Love and Blessings,
Ann Marie Mitchell

Thursday, June 14, 2012

For successful surgery

Prayers for a successful surgery and no complications for Ron Borges who is having surgery this afternoon at 1:30pm.


Prayers of thanksgiving for Diane Salo's successful foot surgery.  She is home resting and is thankful for all of your prayers.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Foot Surgery

Please pray that my foot surgery goes well tomorrow and that I have speedy recovery. 
Thank you.........Diane Salo

Thanksgiving x 2

Thank you for all your prayers of healing, for my cousin Sherre Prior. Her heart surgery was successful. Sherre may get out of the hospital as early as Monday.
Jerrie Moyer

Update on Sue, friend of Norma Jean and Bill Glock... she had surgery and a baseball sized tumor was removed.  She is home recovering.  The doctor called it a miracle.  Power of prayer. 
Joyce Glock

Friday, June 8, 2012

Strength and Healing

Update on Jacob Ellis....He has been seen by an Endocrinologist who also feels Jacobs symptoms are suggestive of Addisons Disease or another type of Adrenal Insufficiency. He's having another test for that on Monday morning. He's seeing a Pediatric Hematologist who is testing a number of different things as well, including evaluating a peripheral blood smear himself. 

He still remains extremely weak and tired, nauseated and dizzy, and heart rate elevates too much when standing and laying down.  Please pray that these symptoms disappear soon and we find answers and good treatments.  He has not felt well since his Appendectomy surgery on April 2nd (two months ago) At this point the doctors feel it is very unlikely that these symptoms are related to any after effects of the surgery.

Thanks for your prayers and support,
Annie Ellis

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Please pray for my cousin Sherre Prior and her surgeons as she goes through open heart surgery on this morning.
Please. Pray for healing.
Jerrie Moyer

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Prayers of healing for Sue (friend of Norma Jean and Bill Glock) she is being rushed to hospital.  She is having an aneurysm. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thanksgiving and Success

Prayers of praise and thanksgiving--
My cousin Shelia who had partial lung removal and chemo for lung cancer is now cancer free. She received a prayer quilt.
She thanks you all for your prayers.

John's nephew Sam completed his Air Force studies for Air Traffic Control and will now complete his apprenticeship for one year at Travis AFB. Prayers for his continuing success in this chosen field with the Air Force.  
Audrey Ohanesian

Monday, June 4, 2012

Comfort and Encouragement

Got a call from Van Deckert asking for prayer.  Legs are acting up again.  Going to a vein specialist.  Also, prayers for encouragement as he has had many challenges since moving to Virginia.  Thanks, Dave Mueller

If you want to send him a card of encouragement, contact the Church Office for his address.

Also, prayers of Thanksgiving for Chrystle & Stuart Vincent's baby grand daughter, born this morning at 9:35am.  Stephanie and baby are doing well. 

Comfort and Healing

Prayers for Nick Nickles (Sid the 3rd) who had a heart-attack over the weekend - Nick is the son of Sid Nickles . Prayers for healing, wisdom for the doctors, and the peace and comfort of Jesus.

Friday, June 1, 2012


The Lord has blessed me and us abundantly and we praise Him.  The doctor removed my huge cast yesterday and I have graduated to a boot and a walker, an enormous improvement!  My nurse and I are so grateful to the Lord!  We are so thankful for the awesome prayer support you are all providing as we go through this surgery and recovery.  May God be honored in this situation.
Howard and Darlene


Prayer request from friend of Gina Gerome:  Please pray for my Dad as he just found out he has stage 4 colon cancer, its also in his liver and lungs.  He is the rock of the family and this news is devastating. - not sure how much time is left.  He is 70 years Old.
Deanna Marion