Friday, August 31, 2012


Prayers of peace and comfort for a Calvary School family, the Delamater's, the childrens grandmother's sister passed away.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Please pray for complete healing for Cindy Schroer's knee.  She recently had surgery, which was not effective, and has now completed a series of shots to alleviate the continuing pain.  The shots have provided no relief and she is in a lot of pain.
Howard and Darlene Goldhammer

Comfort and release

Would you please pray for my beloved Gil Quezada (technically Father-in-law; more like a Father)who lays dying at Summit Hospital in Oakland. His beloved wife Pat (technically Mother-in-law; more like a Mother) has been loyally by his side, all while continuing to hold down a job providing the insurance needed by Gil at this time. They are truly the love of each others' lives, and have been together for 40 years. You can see it when they look in each others' eyes.
While Gil and Pat are not really known by the Church community here, the Calvary kids will likely remember balloons that appeared as if from nowhere in every classroom (and some events) over the last 9 years. These were the gifts given so cheerfully from the hands and hearts of Pat & Gil when health was not an issue.
Thank you so much in advance.
Dian Smith

Healing and relief

Please keep in prayer...Gretchen, a young mother with four children, who she home schools.  The family recently moved to Florida, and they are living in a Residence Inn (three rooms) while they wait to get in a house.  Dad is in the Coast Guard and very busy with a new assignment.  Gretchen fell & injured her leg and is in a cast from her thigh to her foot, she is confined to a wheelchair.  The grandmothers are alternating staying with the family to help. Please pray for full complete healing for Gretchen, that no surgery will be necessary.  Pray for the house to be available quickly as the apartment is very crowded.
Pray for Annabelle a 92 year old women who had a blood vessel break in her one good eye causing complete blindness. She had surgery Tuesday to try to repair the eye so she would again have a little sight. 
Pray for Larry a neighbor of Jason & Amy Goldhammer who has been diagnosed with cancer, which is spreading.  Pray for wisdom for the doctors and for full & complete healing.  Pray also that he would know Jesus as his Lord & Savior.
Pray for Michelle Geach, she is recovering from surgery and experiencing a lot of pain.  Pray for full & complete healing, for strength and for relief from the pain. 
Barbara Goldhammer

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Thank you everyone who prayed for my dad, Les Coolbeth.
All his tubes have been removed and he has returned home.
He can walk with a walker (which he hates) short distances without labored breathing. One rib was removed and he is very uncomfortable but happy to be on the road to recovery.
Special thanks to all the ladies who made it possible for him to have a prayer quilt. He loves it!  Love in Jesus,

Cindy Strom

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Great News!

Great news! Our Niece Sheila's test results showed that she has calcium deposits in her lymphnodes which is treatable with medecine! Thank you all for your Prayers! God is so good!
Dave and Marlene

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Please Pray for our niece Sheila as the lymph nodes in her neck have been swollen for a month! She had tests done yesterday to find out whats causing them to swell.
Thank you,
Marlene & Dave Mueller

Healing and Recovery

Prayers of healing and comfort for Jennifer Bumgardner's fiance's grandpa who fell this morning and was treated by the EMT's who accidentally ripped his skin in the process of strapping him to gurney.

Also, for Jean Bumgardner's brother, Roy who is recovering from shoulder surgery. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


A church member called this in after hearing about it, very concerned for this couple.  Please keep them in your prayers....A family was vacationing in Yosemite when one of their sons was sitting on the rocks along the water an "off limits area"; he fell in and the other brother jumped in to save him, both boys drowned (ages 10 and 11).  Paramedics ended up having to treat both parents (not sure whether they jumped in to save boys or if both were in shock).  Not only are the parents devastated after losing their only two children, but now they are being billed for all of the expenses incurred during the rescue and all bills related since the boys were in an area that was "off limits". 

Prayers of safety for Jan Curler's daughter Lyn and husband Bryan... they live in Keno, Oregon and the fires are moving in closer.


Please pray for my friend Donna who is recovering from a stroke. Asking for His strength and patience and a complete recovery  as she deals with right side issues with walking and eyesight and is having memory difficulties.  I appreciate your faithfulness in your prayer life. 
Audrey Ohanesian

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Healing and Comfort

Prayers of healing for Michael Caspersen, he has two bulging disks in his back.  He is having difficulty walking and is off work. The doctor will start a series of three shots next week.  Pray for comfort and relief from the pain.
Thanks.  Carmen

Friday, August 17, 2012


Praise the Lord!  Noah, the 15-year old with the blood disorder, has truly experienced a miracle.  Last Friday he was hospitalized to receive a special  infusion treatment, and by the next morning his platelets were up to a normal, 130,000.   He was also allowed to resume his full schedule of activities.  He had to be the happiest guy on the soccer field--with his excited family on the sidelines. 
Howard and Darlene


This is an update on Dawn Nickles, Sid's granddaughter.  She is home from the hospital now, her white blood count is still a little low.

Welcome Micah!

Congratulations to the Martchenke family on the birth of Micah Thomas on Tuesday the 14th.  Micah came on time and very healthy. Big brothers, Connor and Liam, are very excited and love their new baby brother.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Just to clarify the last email...
Dean Balk is still with us and he is still as his current address at Merrill Gardens, however his son Barry said any mail for Dean should be sent to Barry's address at...
41775 Chiltern Drive
Fremont, CA  94539

Friday, August 10, 2012

Peace and Comfort for a old friend

Continued prayers of peace and comfort for Dean Balk.... Cards should be sent to his son Barry:
41775 Chiltern Drive
Fremont, CA  94539

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Noah, our 15-year old friend, who has been treated for a blood condition with the potential to cause non-stop bleeding will have an infusion treatment on Friday.  This will require an overnight stay in the hospital.  Our prayer request is that the treatment be successful.  His body is not producing the necessary platelets to stop bleeding and his activities have been limited for several months as other treatments have not been successful.
Howard and Darlene Goldhammer

Pray for Dawn Nickles, grand daughter of Sid Nickles- she's in the hospital for a low blood count.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012



Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Dad's surgery went well. I was so nervous all day at work thinking about him. The lung re-inflated!!! His heart is in good shape too! So thankful!!! He's in a lot of pain moving from bed to chair every two hours. He was moved out of ICU and has his own room now. Keep those prayers coming :) 
Cindy Strom

Friday, August 3, 2012

Healing, Comfort, Concern

Dennis is the coworker we prayed for last year when he was going through some tough times.  He asked that we pray for a friend of his.  Dave Schultz….  See below.

My friends name is Joannie and she has been diagnosed for the 4th time with Lymphoma. If your church congregation could ask God to give her some help and be with her, I know it will help. The power of prayer is so strong and a direct link to Gods ear.

Thank you so much!  


Dean Balk is having more trouble standing for transfers and fell Monday.  We brought him to see Dr. Jokerst and she ran a battery of tests on him. Nothing looked terribly wrong, but he's very tired and weak.  The doctor suggested it might be time to start hospice.  So we met with a hospice intake person and a nurse and signed him up. He'll be getting more care from the hospice staff, which is good for him. Please spread the word and keep him in your prayers.