Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Giving Thanks

Marlene Mueller is now in recovery.  There were some complications in her surgery and she will therefore have an extended recovery time.  Prayers for a full and complete recovery.


My sister Pat will have a lumpectomy on Thursday.  Please pray for a successful surgery, complete healing and that no other treatments will be needed.
Thank you, Gloria Day

Sunday, August 28, 2011

For successful surgeries

Prayers for Marlene Mueller who will be having a surgical procedure done on Tuesday.  Pray for a successful surgery with no complications and a complete recovery.
Also, prayers for Gloria Mohr who will be having a lumpectomy on Weds.  Prayers for a complete and successful surgery and recovery.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Pray for healing

Adolph is in surgery at San Leandro Hospital getting repair to the area in his arm where they administer the dialysis.  There appeared to be some complications during his last treatment and a sudden rupture to that area.  Please continue to pray for healing.  Sounds like Mabel got him in just in time.

Healing and Doctors' wisdom

Prayers of healing and comfort for Adolph Stafne, he is in emergency surgery due to complications with his dialysis.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Comfort, Safety, and Healing

Please pray for my wife Gloria, she had a breast biopsy recently and the results are positive; So she may begin something already tomorrow, Friday, or for sure on Monday. We are asking that God's will be done and we grow in faith. Pastor Gary
Also, prayers for safety for Van Deckert's family in Pennsylvania who are being hit by a hurricane.

Pray for Comfort

Matt Ihle was taken off of life support last night and passed away at 10:15PM.
Please pray for comfort for his family.
Thank you, Gloria Day

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Many prayers...

Please pray for my sister Barbara's stepson, Matt Ihle.  He was diagnosed with Leukemia yesterday and due to the lack of platelets, some bleeding was found in and around his brain.  Last night he had surgery to release the swelling and pressure on his brain.  They had to open his skull, clean out the bleeding mass and leave the right portion of his skull off until the swelling goes down.  They were going to insert a drain to keep fluid from developing during the healing process.  He will be heavily sedated and on a breathing machine for a few days.  When the swelling goes down, they will replace the portion of the skull they removed.  Once he recovers from this, he will start therapy for Leukemia.

 Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and complete healing for Matt.  Thank you,

Gloria Day


Praise the Lord!  My friend, Stephanie Greelee and her husband Rusty are proud parents of a little baby girl born Aug 21.  Reagan Liberty weighed 8 1/2 lbs and is "perfect" in every way according to her grandmother.  All prayers answered as this was a very high risk pregnancy and mother and baby are well. Toni Troya


Jonathan is now in the middle of the final test in his Marine Corps  Boot Camp training, The Crucible. Yesterday was the gas chamber and we can only assume all went as well as it can. The Crucible is a 52 hour test in which they hike 41 miles, and complete various challenges along the way, they get 4 hours of sleep twice during this period and three MRE meals. The Crucible began last night at 2:00 (So actually Tuesday morning 2 am) and ends on Thursday morning at 7:00. The last hours of the crucible are the most challenging as they conquer "The Reaper" a nine mile steep hike uphill with a 60 lb pack. This comes as they are exhausted fro the previous 30 miles of challenges and sleep and food deprivation.  

     When they arrive at the top of the hill there is a ceremony where they are awarded the Eagle Globe and Anchor emblem, a symbol of being accepted as a United States Marine! Then they will indulge in an all you can eat steak and eggs breakfast to celebrate!   

     Please pray for endurance and safety....and I pray he will lean on the Lord when he is weary. Thank you!  Annie and Steve Ellis


Prayers of healing for Rick Clayton, friend of Ghiselli family.  He was just diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer.  Rick is a husband and father of 4 children.  Pray for him to be able to communicate openly with his family about his illness. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thanks for Blessings

This from my cousin Janet who is on our prayer list for Cancer whom Calvary sent a prayer quilt.
Prayer works God is still in the healing and comfort business.
Dear Frank and Maria,
Thought  it was time for an update.
My treatment is going really well.  I have now had 12 Radiation treatments
and the skin is holding up.  No burns yet.  I am slated for 33 daily treatments,
so I better not speak too soon.  I do feel tired by late afternoon but
I am good at taking naps especially with my nice quilt over me even on the
hottest of days.
Love Janet

Comfort and Healing

First prayer request, Betty Cooper sent this in but not sure that we all rec''d it, It was for Christi in Modesto that was Betty's nail lady.  She is 30 and has been having problems with stomach pain for over a year and not to long ago discovered she is in the last stages of colon cancer. Pray for her salvation, not sure what they are attempting in treatment. 
Second, is friends of my daughter in Oregon, just found out his mom (He is Andy Gallardo) is dying and they have given her about 48 hrs.  He is out of work and can't get down here to see her. Pray for both of them please. Thanks Jan Curler

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pray for relief

Van Deckert's right leg is hurting pretty badly.  He thinks it could be inflammation in the veins.  He has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and called today to see if he could switch to today, but she is booked.  Please pray for relief from the pain and if at all possible, that he could get in to see the doctor today.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Prayer of Concern

Please pray for my TOPS (weight support group) friend Donna.  She is anxious and worried as she waits for results from extensive testing for uterine cancer.  She has had cancer before and her mother had uterine cancer.
Thank you.  Love in Jesus, Audrey Ohanesian

Email hoax

If you've rec'd what looks like an email about Pastor Bothwell needing help, it's a hoax.  Someone has hacked into his account and is using his information.
Holly Contier, Church Secretary

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Prayers of thanksgiving for Bill Sandau's successful hip replacement.  He is resting comfortably.  Continued prayers for healing.

desserts needed

Dear Calvary families,
We are in need of brownies, cookies or cupcakes for our school rally day on August 21st.  If you are able to supply 2 dozen, please let me know.  Thank you.  Holly

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Eprayer Requests

My sister Pat Brown was just diagnosed with breast cancer.  She is waiting for a breast MRI and then she will meet with her doctor.  Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers while she waits for the prognosis.   Thank you.  Gloria Day


Please pray for a divorced lady who continues to suffer and tolerate abuse from her former husband.  Pray for a place for her to live, and the help and courage to stay away from her abuser.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Prayer for healing

My uncle, Dan (my mom's brother), is in the hospital again. They did an x-ray & found a blockage going to one of his lungs. They were going to do a tracheotomy on him, but they can't seem to get the fluid out of his lungs. he is still on the ventilator, but they decided not to do the tracheotomy at this point. They have him sedated because he would rip IV and ventilator, etc out otherwise.  He also has MRSA (a severe, contagious, and highly difficult to treat staph infection)...so he is in rough shape! His kidneys are doing fine...so not everything is shutting down.
My mom will be traveling to Billings (a 4-hour round trip for her) to see him tomorrow. Please pray for healing for Dan, safe travel and peace of mind for my mom, and wisdom and guidance for the hospital staff.
In Christ, Kristi Morlock

Monday, August 1, 2011

Prayer for Bill's mom...

Good morning,
Please pray for my Mom - Judy Martchenke as she was admitted to the hospital with high blood pressure. Pray that they may quickly be able to find the cause and that God would grant full recovery.
Bill Martchenke